Feb 7, 2007

So my mother said

The word that come from your mouth
don’t mean a thing
your self fish
and your heart is to cold
and deprived of kindness
to feel half of these things u pretend to know when you speak
Oh and this poetry thing is nothing but a set up for disappointment
because it could never amount to anything
And u really don’t have to wait for this dream to die because it resembles a stillborn child .
And she said all this when she told me
It was just a dream
And that’s all it could ever be.


  1. Anonymous2/08/2007

    So I said....

    Go where your heart flows
    So it sounds a bit chessy
    But u gotta believe me
    Poetry is the only thing that meant something to me when I speak, who I speak to doesn't to me
    I don't care 4 critics, I could care less
    And if you drop this s*** its saying your careless
    I thought you were fearless
    I thought you were better than this
    That's all I can say nothing added to it
    But you blew it
    So what now???
    PA still waiting then
    Too bad for you hating it
    Poetry is beginning of nothing
    Unless you make it a dream
    You can dream all you want
    But you gotta believe....
