Feb 1, 2008


Why can't we all just have some faith?
Not really talkin bout the judism. christianity or budaism
but im talking about that faith that we have in ourselves
the faith that has not necessarily been threr from the get go
but the faith that we have fought to obtain
that we hope to remain
in our hearts and our minds
as we try to find
who we really are in this life
growing up knowing that im human
accepting my faults
and accepting that i must to
go through pain
has kept me sane
No we are not perfect but we must try
to allow our faith to flow up our toes
through our bones and around our veins
i know i may have a little to much compasion for this so called Faith
i but i believ in something
and i believe that this something
will allow me to prosper
and become successful
as i try to take that path of adulthood
not knowing what i should or should not do
i will make my own mistakes because i have Faith
there should never be a time in someones life where
the only way to go is down don't sit around
just look for a path to your valley of success
don't regress never give up on a challenge
because every challenge is just another test
remember the old tales of the old ancestors
as they grew old and withered into a spot in our hearts
they told us never to use darts to clog the
emptiness in our minds

hey guys long time no write so heres a draft of a clearly unorganized and yet to be completed poem, i want to continue it so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

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