Feb 15, 2009

Seed of Glee

You seem to be a homemade hot soup with ingredients gathered from the whole family.
You do not hold putrid flavors like our sister’s disobedience or my consistent calamity.
Your arrival marks the make of an inequality
And the utter beginning of a one-sided sibling rivalry.

You came in dark times and illuminated my life.
Listening to your charming gibberish made me quickly get rid of my strife
Listening to your cries made my eyes liquify and instead of breaking glass you broke my ribs allowing your pain to enter
Full of sorrow caused by your mood, I ran to you fulfilling my duties as your brother.

The seed which, when planted, had grown roots of glee in my body is what you are
I’m just reminiscing about how your past, innocent actions have affected me so far.
Our appearances most likely convince our characters to be equivalent,
But my heart wishes for you to emerge as more reliable, fortunate, and more valiant.

You are either greater than, or equal to me.
Or maybe just a better equal than me.
But, there are still variables and terms to be accounted for
And as your side of the inequality increases, my love for you grows even more.

(Wrote this for class like two years ago and NOW is when I post it!!!)

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