Jan 6, 2007

to the man that i'm forced to call dad

Family rejected and wife neglected children pardoned
But not loved willingly, by me
Mind sate of “every ones out to get me.”
When really you got every one first
But now your tricks have reached the surface of recognition
So your stuck in a position unfamiliar to u
So now your words make no sense
And your irrational lies fly over my brothers heads . And u use there naive youth to get pleaser of their shaded tears and that’s 1 of the many reasons I hate u
At age 8 I was so stuck on u
my every thing
I idealized u
or who I believed u were.
U brought her home
and feed this teen a unforgivable sin
And I opened the door for her
An unfamiliar face rung my bell asking for u .
And when I saw her I couldn’t help but say in my mind I want to grow up to be the refection of her beauty.
But then u told me to close the door
and I said good bye .
U got on the phone and your fingers only dialed three numbers
and u spoke in Spanish to hide a secret from me and the rest of my family .
But little did u know I understood your tongue
and I constantly told my self the words realest form your mouth weren’t true.
But when mommy took me jive and geo,
Lying to myself became harder to do .
Discus was written all over my mothers face
as she took us to a place I would never want to visit.
And when she told me the truth I pretended to be hurt
because emotionally I was not strong enough to Handel it.
And I cried
And cried my self to sleep
Woke up the next morning and no longer could I tell myself it wasn’t true
And when mommy told me
u knew
I knew
U came to me and asked if I forgave u .
and I did not look into your eyes
and I lied .
And every night since then became a chance for me to blame this unfortunate chain of events on some one other than u .
And that became me .
Lost as I was then
I still am now and every time I look in the mirror I see u .
stuck heating my last name I tell myself that this image in my reflection isn’t me
and now I don’t even know if I’m lying to myself
And I’m to ashamed to ask for help because I want to be strong enough for me.
so I started to cut and bleed the pain away , but that only brought the
out of me even more because u always ran to the bar just like I ran to that knife.
And life now leaves me waiting for that day when
Death knocks on my door because then and only then will I able to rest in peace .


  1. wow! i don't like to read poem i like to hear them but, for some reason it's like i couldn't stop reading it. tell this poem to the class i wnat to see how u perform it. it sounds real good :D

  2. Anonymous1/07/2007

    damn n u say u can't do poetry?? hold up imma show u mah comment....mah real comment...

    U see u did it again, ur gonna b better
    Ya hidden vendetta is unveiled, look u got da truth out there
    No reason for editing dis one is jjjjjuuuuuusssssttttttt right n u say ur not gonna make da slam dis year???
    I say ur wrong u got no self-esteem which blocks ya talent from ya eyes, ya dreams seem father ya head is foggy but once its lifted u'd see datit waz hard to see before
    But now if u slam
    u wish u done dis sooner
    Cuz u now have da power in ya handz

  3. This is an incredibly emotional poem.You convey a real sense of personal feeling through the words and your message is clear. Hope to see your performance this week!!!
